It's been crazy busy, and I continue to be blown away by the amazing people I work with and the incredible work they do. So much so that I was moved to poetry.

Don’t go to therapy

Don’t go to therapy, unless you are ready for your soul and life to really change.

Don’t go to therapy if you can’t bear to give up your rigidity, your insistence on being right at any cost.

If an illusion of contentment if more alluring than a chance at actual fulfillment.

Don’t go to therapy if you want your world to stay small and safe and comfortable.

For friends and strangers to remain a voluntary engagement at your own convenience.

If you don’t want to have to think about how you affect the world and people around you.

Don’t go to therapy for your spouse, your children, your probation officer, or even for yourself.

Because if it works, if you really want it to, the you that will come out will be radically different.

Your understanding of your past, present and future self will shift in a hundred different ways.

Some will help you fall in love with yourself and the world in a way you never thought possible.

Others will absolutely break you heart into more pieces than you can ever hope to count.

Don’t go to therapy unless you are ready to march through the doors that hold the worst parts of you.

We will support you, will hold the door open, we will walk with you, as we have been trained to do.

But you are going to have to walk in, however slowly, walk; eyes open, mind critical and heart engaged.

Take as long as you need to get there, but please know there is really no turning back.

You can’t unlearn the things you have discovered, or return the responsibilities you have taken on.

You can’t make your heart smaller, your will weaker, and if you truly don’t want to, then by all means…
